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Newtown Cultural Arts Commission
November 27, 2012
Meeting Minutes

The Newtown Cultural Arts Commission held a meeting on Tuesday, November 27, 2012, at the Newtown Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT.

Members Present: Sharon Cohen, Jennifer Johnston, Ted Kreinik, Laura Lerman, Donna Mangiafico, Donna Monteleone Randle, and Jennifer Rogers

Members Absent:  Robert Kaiser and Robert Rabinowitz

Auxiliary Members Present:  None

Guests:  Cheryl Fatse and Georgia Monaghan

Jennifer Johnston called the meeting to order at 6:30 PM.

The first hour of the NCAC meeting was spent on NCAC By-Laws revisions.  Donna Mangiafico will incorporate the suggested changes and forward the revised By-Laws for review.

Public Participation: Georgia Monaghan shared information about the Newtowner Kickstarter campaign to fund the 2013 issues. The NCAC will assist by promoting their Kickstarter campaign through email and social media.

The minutes of the October 23, 2012 were approved as written.

Officer Reports:  Jennifer Johnston shared information to be submitted for Newtown’s Annual Report.  She also reported on the HVCA breakfast she recently attended.  It was an excellent networking opportunity.

Robert Rabinowitz (via email) reported that he has been posting events to the Facebook page regularly and will create the new Newtown Arts Festival page soon.  He also announced that Lee Brownell judged entries to “The Magic of a Moment” arts contest.

Treasurer Report:  Donna Mangiafico distributed the latest financial report.  

Programs and Events:
  • Newtown Arts Festival:  Donna Mangiafico asked that everyone continue to spread the word about the Art Contest.  Artists do not need to reside in Newtown this year.  The theme is “Iconic Newtown.”
  • Flagpole Radio Café:  Donna Mangiafico will obtain the list of Newtown Arts Festival $500+ sponsors for the next Flagpole Radio Café program.
  • Pre-show Receptions:  No report.
Grants/Scholarships:  Donna Monteleone Randle reported that the scholarship application form is almost finished.  The NCAC agreed that NCAC Auxiliary member’s families could be eligible to submit an application.  Donna Mangiafico will meet with Newtown Savings Bank to obtain information about long-term savings options.  The dollar amount to be allocated to grants and scholarships will be determined after the Newtown Arts Festival Chairman submits the estimated budget for the 2013 festival.

Newtown Cultural Arts Center:  The NCAC approved the appointment of Ted Kreinik as Chairperson of the Newtown Cultural Arts Center Special Committee.  Jennifer Johnston also appointed Sharon Cohen and Jennifer Rogers to the committee.

Newsletter:  Jennifer Rogers is working on the NCAC Newsletter.

Website:  No report.

Other Business:  Sharon Cohen and Laura Lerman will meet to discuss promotion/arts organizations and provide a report at the next NCAC meeting.

There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.

Next Meeting:  Tuesday, December 18, 2012, Meeting Room 1, Newtown Municipal Center.  There will be a By-Laws discussion at 6:30 PM and the regular meeting will begin at 7:30 PM.